From Kim:

I have fallen in love with Florence. This is surprising as till recently I've always felt Rome the ne plus ultra of Italy, yet I'm smitten!  I was last there on business eons ago but recently a friend (a former colleague and buyer herself) said, "Kim have you been to Florence lately?  There are still many small workshops with people making things in their ateliers, there is so much for you there."  As promised, an endless range of wonderful product abounds, such as the pillows above and suede fringe wraps we've sold out of again, awaiting a new shipment. Wherever you glance there is beauty; the buildings, the food, the gentility, the elegance of an European life - that grace is lost in so much of the world but it lives on here and may it always reign! Pictured here is the exquisite 14th century Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, built by the Dominicans. They also began making an antiseptic rose water to combat the plague and in 1612 founded the "Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella", one of the oldest pharmacies in the world, still home to exquisite fragrances, bath and body care products.

August 08, 2023 by Kimberly Hayes

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