From Kim:

The textiles and rugs above are a feast for the senses (luxurious finds from New York Gift Show) – their soft luxurious textures palpable to our eye and hand. In contrast, the sleek and voluminous lines of the artful metal and glass fabrication of the Foundation Louis Vuitton in Paris (left) is a whole other feast.  It is massive yet elegant and light and seen from a birds-eye view, looks like a windswept crystal galleon sailing through the emerald green forest "sea" of the Bois de Boulogne. We went to this much anticipated new museum last May, where there was an exhibit of Frank Gehry's, many design concepts, models and imaginings of what could be – before arriving at the final expression we enjoy today. It was fascinating to see that great things don't just happen in one swoop, but evolve over time; there's a serious gestation period we usually aren't privy to. This building is a stunning addition to 21st Century architecture and design.

August 07, 2023 by Kimberly Hayes

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